Atomic Charge Wallet carries your essential cards and cash, and charges your smartphone on the go. Your credit card information is safe inside Atomic Charge Wallet, thanks to RFID Blocking Technology. This slim, aluminum charging wallet boasts a sleek design that is lightweight and easily fits into pockets, purses, and more. Its internal accordion design makes accessing your cash and credit cards easy. The unisex design makes it the perfect wallet for anyone. Atomic Charge Wallet eliminates having to carry a portable phone charger. When your phone needs charging, simply plug it into your wallet! Atomic Charge Wallet is the ultimate RFID wallet that charges your phone.
- Wallet with built-in portable charger
- RFID protection
- Slim and sturdy aluminum casing
- Smart accordion interior
- Great for road trips, long flights, and working remotely
- Android and iPhone compatible
- Weight: 1 pound
- Dimensions: 5 inches X 2 inches X 1 inch
- Includes one Atomic Charge Wallet and USB charging cord
- Does not include phone charger
* Packaging May Vary
Shipping Note: Due to Hazmat regulations, Atomic Charge Wallet cannot be shipped to P.O. Boxes