Your hands are like a taxi service for germs. Put the brakes on germy hands with Handvana™ HydroClean™ Foam Hand Sanitizer. Unlike alcohol-based sanitizers that dry out your hands, HydroClean™ Foam Hand Sanitizer’s common germ-killing ingredient is benzalkonium chloride which kills up to 99.9% of germs. Plus, it’s enriched with skin-loving ingredients like coconut oil, aloe vera, and hyaluronic acid to help keep your hands soft. So, why go alcohol-free? Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can dry your hands to the point where the skin cracks. That cracked skin presents an opportunity for an infection. If accidentally ingested, alcohol-based hand sanitizers can cause serious side effects in children.
On April 11, 2019, the FDA issued a “final rule on safety and effectiveness on consumer hand sanitizers.” In that ruling, the FDA specifically named 3 ingredients that could be used in hand sanitizers — benzalkonium chloride, ethyl alcohol, and isopropyl alcohol. HydroClean™ Foam Hand Sanitizer’s active ingredient is Benzalkonium Chloride.
Keep your hands protected from germs and dryness. Use Handvana™ HydroClean™ Foam Hand Sanitizer after you wash your hands and when soap and water aren’t available.